At present, there are two kinds of scaffolding on the material market, one is portal scaffolding and the other is trapezoidal scaffolding. The reason why trapezoidal scaffolding is so popular is determined by its performance characteristics. First of all, trapezoidal scaffolding has a wide range of uses: indoor and outdoor decoration, shop billboards, bridges, building support, viaducts, viaducts, culverts, tunnels, dam construction, power stations, indoor and outdoor decoration projects, and can also be used to build various performance stages, auditoriums, stands, temporary advertising racks, etc.
Secondly, trapezoidal scaffolding has high efficiency: flexible, quick disassembly, no screw, and achieved twice the efficiency with half the effort. Upgrade, assemble and disassemble and facilitate transportation.
Third, the scaffold is economical and practical, with low cost, small space occupation and long service life. If it is well maintained, it can be reused more than 30 times.
Finally, the ladder scaffold is safe and reliable, and the self locking ability of the joints is good. The overall performance is good: equipped with pedal, parallel frame, buckle wall pipe, horizontal and cross tie rod pipe and other vertical and horizontal locking devices. The bearing force is reasonable: the vertical pipe bears the pressure directly, and all the performance indexes meet the construction needs. Good fire resistance, all main frame and fittings are steel products.
Trapezoidal scaffold
移动式移动脚手架具有安装快捷、牢固、灵活、适应性强等特点,产品所有部件均经热浸镀锌防腐处理,经久耐用、美观大方,是广大建筑行业和装潢行业理想的辅助施工装备,平台面积15-40平方米,特别适用于狭小场所,形状复杂的建筑物、停车场、出入口、门楼、广告牌等的建造、装修、维护。 可靠性: 门型移动脚手架充分发挥了框架组合的作用,稳定性能好,层间走道平整,整体结构稳固、可靠,操作环境整齐、划一。 为确保产品长时间使用而不锈蚀,产品内外表面经热浸镀锌处理,提高了表面的抗腐蚀能力,延长了使用寿命。 经济性: 产品由于采用高强度钢材和整体热浸镀锌工艺,单件重量轻,经济耐用,并大大减少了产品多次油漆费用,从而使产品使用成本明显降低。 门型门式脚手架搭设、拆卸方便、效率高,与一般使用的钢管扣件门式脚手架相比提高功效50%-60%,并且节省大量劳力。