

脚手架知识 脚手架行情 常见问题



We know that mobile scaffolding is used for a period of ten years in theory, but often due to inadequate maintenance, deformation, wear and tear, the service life is greatly shortened. There are also inappropriate storage, resulting in the loss of parts from time to time, which makes the production cost greatly increased. To extend the service life of mobile scaffolding, we should pay attention to the following points: 首先,以碗扣式脚手架为例,在施工中要严格按照规划施工,避免不必要的耗损。碗扣式脚手架有些配件是极易损坏的,所以要有一定经验的专业人员进行施工,这样可以有效减少损失,同时保证作业安全。

First of all, take the bowl-buckle scaffold as an example, in the construction, we should strictly follow the planning construction to avoid unnecessary wastage. Some parts of bowl-buckle scaffolding are extremely vulnerable to damage, so we need experienced professionals to carry out construction, which can effectively reduce losses, while ensuring the safety of operation.


Second, keep it safe. When placing scaffolds, waterproofing and moisture-proof measures should be done to avoid corrosion. At the same time, the discharge is orderly, which is convenient for standardized management, and it is not easy to cause chaos or loss of accessories, so it is better to have a special person responsible for the shelf recycling and storage, and record the use situation at any time.


Third, regular maintenance. It is necessary to apply antirust paint regularly to the shelves, usually two years. In areas with relatively high humidity, it is required once a year to ensure that the shelves will not rust.


标签:脚手架 移动脚手架 梯形脚手架 门式脚手架 脚手架厂家 全部


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