

脚手架知识 脚手架行情 常见问题



Safety technical requirements for removal of portal scaffolding? 1) After the completion of the project construction, the scaffolding shall be removed only after the inspection and verification by the project manager of the unit confirms that the scaffolding is no longer needed. The removal of scaffolding shall be carried out only after the approval of the project manager. Removal of scaffolding should meet the following requirements: 1) Before removal of scaffolding, scaffolding materials, tools and debris should be removed. 2) The removal of scaffolding shall be carried out in accordance with the following procedures:


First remove the top armrest and balustrade column from the side crossing, then remove the scaffold (or horizontal frame) and escalator section, and then remove the horizontal reinforcement bar and scissors brace.


(2) Remove the cross support from the top cross-border, and simultaneously remove the top wall connecting rod and the top door frame.


Continue to demolish the second step gantry and accessories synchronously downward. The free cantilever height of scaffolding should not exceed three steps, otherwise temporary tie should be installed.


Continuous synchronous downward disassembly. For wall connectors, long horizontal rods and scissors braces, they can only be removed after the scaffolding is dismantled to the relevant cross-portal frame.


(5) Remove sweeping pole, bottom door frame and sealing pole.


(5) Remove the base and remove the cushion plate and cushion block.


Portal scaffolding 2


(2) The disassembly of scaffolding must meet the following safety requirements:


1) Workers must stand on temporary scaffolds for demolition.


2) Striking and prying with hammers and other hard objects are strictly prohibited in demolition work. Removal of the connecting rod should be placed in the bag, the lock arm should be transferred to the ground and stored indoors.


3) When disassembling the connecting parts, the lock plate on the lock seat and the lock piece on the hook should be transferred to the open position first, and then the disassembly should be started. No hard pulling and striking are allowed.


4) The dismantled portal frame, steel pipe and fittings shall be bundled or mechanically lifted or transmitted to the ground to prevent collision and thrown.


(3) Removal precautions:


1) When removing scaffolding, fences and warning signs shall be placed on the ground, and special guards shall be sent to guard it. All non-operators shall be strictly prohibited.


标签:脚手架 移动脚手架 梯形脚手架 门式脚手架 脚手架厂家 全部


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