







环氧自流地坪漆施工有需要注意那些问题环氧地坪漆涂装对地面基层的要求和常见处理环氧地坪施工的时候有很多需要注意的地方,盐城环氧地坪漆的施工工法和选料并没有固定的标准,欧美、日本、韩… 环氧地坪施工后产生色差怎么解决?环氧地坪漆涂装对地面基层的要求和常见处理我们最常见的环氧地坪颜色有艳绿、蓝色等,但是,不乏其他甲方因为特殊环境而选择其他颜色。我们最直观看到的… 厂家对环氧地坪翻新方法技巧经验分享环氧地坪漆涂装对地面基层的要求和常见处理环氧地坪翻新注意事项:尽可能减少工序,降低成本,不影响正常生产;修复的面涂和旧无锡环氧地坪面漆颜色尽量…



(2) No sand on the surface, high hardness and no cement powdering are required. The newly poured cement mortar should be fully maintained. The cement base surface is flat, without rugged, honeycomb linen, cement bumps, other coatings, latex paint, foam sugar and other residues. (3) The surface is dry, the moisture content is less than 6%, no oil pollution, and the PH value should be 6.0-8.0. After the maintenance period of cement ground, the base can no longer be washed or wetted with water 5 D before construction.


2. The inspection and pretreatment of the base is the basis of epoxy floor coatings. Detailed inspection and analysis are needed to determine the treatment measures.


(1) Measure the compressive strength. The compressive strength of industrial floors should not be less than 24 MPa. In order to meet some important requirements, higher strength may be needed. Strength measurement should be carried out by rebound meter or coring.


(2) Determine the bond strength. The low strength layer formed by cement slurry is usually in the thickness of several millimeters on the surface of concrete base. The stress caused by shrinkage, temperature change or repeated action of load caused by hydration reaction of cement will lead to the decrease of bond strength. The bond strength should not be less than 1.5 MPa.


(3) Water content of grass-roots. Only when the moisture content of cement base is not more than 6%, can the coating be applied, so the measurement of moisture content is particularly important. The best method to determine the moisture content of the base course is the plastic film covering experiment method, that is, at least 1mX1m polyethylene film is sealed on the concrete surface with tape, and after at least 24 hours, the moisture content is determined according to the amount of condensation water appearing on the plastic film.


(4) Environmental temperature. Ignoring the temperature factors of construction environment can lead to quality defects of epoxy floor, such as reduced bond strength, watermarking, voids, irregular surface and hardening. Therefore, the environmental temperature (air temperature), the surface temperature of the grass-roots, dew point temperature and other data, in the construction must be measured several times a day.


(5) grass-roots clean-up. For oil, oil or organic acid, inorganic acid or cement slurry pollution, if not thoroughly removed, will affect the bonding performance of epoxy floor paint coating. Therefore, the surface must be cleaned mechanically and checked by measuring the bond strength.


3. Grass-roots treatment


(1) In order to achieve good results in the construction of epoxy floor coating, cement leveling layer should be first applied to leveling the ground that has not yet been leveled. When the cement is initially solidified, the civil engineer uses professional ground machinery to grind the ground. The surface of epoxy-coated floor will be smoother, brighter and the service life will be improved after basic treatment and re-coating.


(2) After the cement layer is dried (about 28 days), the whole ground is polished with a grinder to make the surface smooth and the cement capillary holes open.


(3) For the base layer with oil contamination (edible oil, engine oil), the surface treatment agent is sprayed on the surface wetted with water and scrubbed repeatedly until there is no oil contamination.

环氧地坪施工后为什么会产生刺鼻味道?解决方法盐城环氧地坪 随着环保健康的日益重视,人们对环氧地坪的安全环保要求也越来越高,在选购盐城环氧地坪的时候,不光要考虑价格,更要考虑性价比,考虑质量。环氧地坪刺鼻味道产生原因,有环氧地坪员工表示,一般情况之下,会产生刺鼻气体的地坪漆是溶剂型环氧地坪漆,因为其中有一物质是二甲苯,对人体造成一些不利的影响,可以选… 厂房地面做混凝土密封固化地坪的好处是什么?盐城环氧地坪 随着社会的不断发展,我们对生活品质得不断追求。在建筑装修中,地坪占据着很大一部分比例。市面上,我们见到最多的可以说是盐城环氧地坪,它绚丽的外衣深受大家的喜爱! 同时,工业上也出现了另外一种地坪,它可以增加地面的强度,硬度,亮度。可以以旧貌换新颜。带来全新的体验。价格不贵,而且颜值又高呐,传说…
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